Friday, December 6, 2013

Project: Student Garden Update

The raised beds are in place!

We made great progress on the student garden. The raised beds are all completed and out at the garden location. Make sure to check them out!

The next step is to finish digging the holes for the posts to anchor the beds in place. We will hopefully have this done next week.

Thank you to everyone who has helped out with the garden beds these last few weeks. The new student garden is going to be an amazing addition to the campus!

Fun time building the beds!

Annoucement: Bigfoot Sustainability Committee

Do think that are campus could be more sustainable? Would like to see more bike racks on campus? Or help with the new Student Garden? Do you want to make a difference? Then you should take a look at the new Bigfoot Sustainability Committee!

At the last weekly meeting the SCC Student Government approved the creation of the new Bigfoot Sustainability Committee!

This committee will be tasked with promoting sustainability projects on campus at SCC. Here is the breakdown for the committee:
  • Chair:
    • ASG Director of Sustainability - Daron Williams
  • Three Student Positions:
    • Applications for these positions will be available starting next quarter.
  • Three Teacher Positions:
    • We are still looking for one more teacher to sit on this committee!
The final numbers will be 4 students and 3 teachers.

If your interested in joining the committee please email me at

Picture of the Week - December 6th

Nice winter time photo for these cold winter days taken from a location about an hour outside of town off I-90 heading west.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!


Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving break! Updates on Bigfoot Sustainability Projects coming next week. See you all on Monday!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Event: Ground Operations - Battlefields to Farmfields Documentary Screening

The Vet's Club here at SCC is hosting screenings of Ground Operations: Battlefields to Farmfields.

Location: The Lair Auditorium
Time: 10 am and 12 pm showings
When: November 26th, 2013
Hope to see you all there!

Picture of the week - November 22nd, 2013

Photo submitted by Michele

While this week's picture is not an outdoor one it was just too awesome to pass by! This photo was sent in by our very own SCC Aquatics Director / Wellness Coordinator Michele. Its great to see kids learning to swim!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Nationally Acclaimed Author Barry Lopez Speaking at SCC

Photo from
The President Speaker Series committee and the Hagan Foundation Center for the Humanities is hosting the nationally acclaimed writer and photographer Barry Lopez.
Where: Spokane Community College Lair Auditorium
When: Thursday November 21st at 7pm - refreshments and book signing after the talk.
From the annoucement email sent out by David Stasney:
"In his nonfiction, Mr. Lopez writes often about the relationship between the physical landscape, human culture, and the environment. In his fiction, he frequently addresses issue of intimacy, ethics, and identity. His first stories were published in 1966. He has been a full-time writer since leaving graduate school in 1970 but occasionally accepts invitations to teach and lecture. He has been the Welch Professor of American Studies at the University of Notre Dame and the Glenn Distinguished Professor at Washington & Lee, has taught fiction at the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference, and tarvels regulary to Texas Tech University where he is the university's Visiting Distinguished Scholar. For more information on Barry Lopez visit his website:"

See you all there!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Project: Looking into expanding the availability of recycling at SCC

Looking for new friends!

I'm happy to announce a new sustainability project for Spokane Community College:
  • Expanding the availiability of recycling at SCC

Picture of the week - November 15th, 2013

Picture submitted by Kathy

This week's picture was taken by our very own Assistant to the Dean of Instruction! Thank you Kathy for the awesome picture!

If you want to have your picture featured on this website please email the photo to

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Raised Beds are Coming Together!

Working hard to build the raised beds!
Thank you to all the volunteers that came out to help support the new student garden by building the raised beds! There were about 12 or so people at the event. The hotdogs and pop seemed to keep everyone going as we put together the raised beds. While we did not finish all of them we made a great start and should be able to finish next week.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Working on the raised beds!

Tim and I working on building the raised beds! We got all the lumber measured and ready to cut tomorrow. Thanks again Tim!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Thank You Veterans!


Image from the SCC Veteran's One Stop Website
Thank you to all the veterans and active service men and women for your service to our country! I also want to give a special thanks to the SCC Vets Club for their service to our country and to our campus community! The veterans at SCC continue to make a difference every day by serving the greater SCC community.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Thanks for the leaves!

Leaves for the Student Garden!
A big thank you to everyone who has brought leaves for the new Student Garden! We have had an amazing amount of support from the SCC community and we could still use more leaves if you have them. As long as they are already bagged we would be happy to accept them for use on the student garden. There is a map showing where to drop the leaves off after the break. Thanks again!

Event: Help Build the Raised Beds for the new Student Garden!

On November 14th at 2:30pm we are meeting at the ASG Office in the Lair at SCC before heading off to the shop at building 8 to build the raised beds for the new student garden! We are in need of more volunteers and it would be awesome if you all could join us! There is a flier attached to this post. I hope to see you all at the event!

Update: Building the Raised Beds for the Student Garden

Progress is moving forward on the new Student Garden. We now have all the lumber and tools needed to build the nine raised beds for the garden. I want to give a special thanks to Kris and Charlie who came out with me to get the supplies and delivered the lumber to the campus. Also, a very special thank you to the Vets Club, Erin and Art who's help was greatly appreciated and necessary to make this project a success! Pictures of our supplies after the break

Picture of the Week - Nov 8th, 2013

Starting this week we will be posting a "Picture of the Week" each Friday. These photos will highlight the natural beauty of the greater Spokane area. If you have a photo you want to see posted please email the photo to Thank you!

This photo was taken at the Arbor Crest Wine Cellar looking over the Spokane Valley by Daron Williams

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Student Garden Bed Construction Event

How many of you like gardening? Would you like to be able to garden in between your classes? Your Student Government is moving forward on the construction of a new student garden and we need your help!

What: Constructing raised beds for the brand new student garden.

Where: Meet at the SCC Student Government Office in the Lair.

When: 2:30pm on Thursday the 14th of November.

- Meet at the ASG Office in the Lair. Garden located north of building 26.

The Student Garden Needs Leaves!

So the Student Government wants your leaves!

Last year your Student Government approved the creation of a new Student Garden on the campus at SCC. This quarter we are in the process of putting the garden in. One of the first steps in this is to use the technique of sheet mulching to kill the grass that is currently at the location.

Sheet mulching takes a ton of leaves and cardboard to be affective. If you have leaves or cardboard that you do not need please bring it to the ASG Office at SCC. We are located in the Lair. Thank you!

-Drop off location for leaves and cardboard (please put cardboard in the ASG office)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Welcome to Bigfoot Sustainability!

A couple years ago the Spokane Community College (SCC) Associated Student Government (ASG) decided to create a new position. That position was the student Director of Sustainability. The Inland Empire is an amazing and beautiful place to live. We have mountains, rivers, forests and grasslands all around us. For those of us who love the outdoors there are very few places we would rather to live. This has given many of us a strong sense of stewardship towards the natural beauty of the Inland Empire.