Friday, February 28, 2014

Picture of the Week - February 28th

Spokane Falls during spring runoff

The picture this week is the spring run off from a couple years ago. Personally, I can't wait till we hit spring again.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Student Garden Project Day

Click to view larger
Do you like gardening? If so come out and help us get the new student garden ready for the spring planting! Click on the image to see the flier and please share it with your friends!

When: Thursday March 6th at 1:30pm.

Where: Behind building 26 near the green houses.

What: Just some basic work to start getting the garden ready for planting. No experience needed!

What is your green tip? Share it with us!

Each Wednesday we have been posting green tips to help people be more sustainabile with their actions and behaviors. But after almost a quarter of sharing our tips with all of you we want your tips! Please email us at or comment on our facebook page or on this post with  your comments! We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Green Tip of the Week

Ever been to building 27 on campus? The math/science building? Then you know the impact of all of us using the automatic doors when we don't need to.

This week's green tip is to not use the automatic doors for people with disabilities unless you have a diability and need the assistance. Most of these doors stay open after you walk through resulting in the loss of warm air or cold air depending on the season. The result is increased energy use/cost. The chillyness of the temperature on the first floor of building 27 shows us that the impact is not minor.

So please don't use these doors unless you need to. Thank you!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Project Annoucement: Educational Restoration Zone on Campus at SCC

Each of the students on the Bigfoot Sustainability Committee are picking a project to focus on. Daron will be focusing on a possible Educational Restoration Zone on campus at SCC. The above image outlines the area that is being considered for the project.

The goal with this project is have an area on campus that can serve as an outdoor learning and demostration area for students and the community. If this project is approved it will be possible for classes to go on field trips on campus and it will serve as a demonstration area for what a restoration project is and the benefits it can provide.

The project outline can be viewed after the break.

Picture of the Week - February 21st 2014

Porcupine at Riverside State Park

My wife and I spotted this porcupine while hiking through the Riverside State Park a few years ago. Fun spotting the porcupine!

Committee Meeting - Monday February 24th, 2014
Click to see the meeting agenda

Our next meeting will be Monday February 24th, 2014. If you click on the above picture you can view the agenda for the meeting.

We will be meeting in our regular place in the ASG Conference Room in the Lair (bldg. 6, room 114) from 2:30 to 3:30pm.

Should be an awesome meeting. We will be going over the student projects and David Cole will be giving a presentation about one of our projects and student collaboration. Also, we will be discussing the possibility of getting water bottle filling stations on campus.

Hope to see you all at the meeting!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Bigfoot Sustainability Committee Meeting February 10th, 2014
Click to see the full meeting minutes
We had a great meeting on February 10th. At the meeting we went over what each student member will be focusing on. In addition, the students that attended the Washington Higher Education Sustainability Conference at Western Washington University talked about their experiences and what they learned.

Click the image above to see the full meeting minutes!

Green Tip of the Week

This week's Green Tip of the Week is to buy used textbooks! It can be hard to buy used textbooks these days due to the amount of material only being offered online but if you can buying used textbooks helps the enviornment and saves you money.

To the teachers out there if possible choose textbook options that allow students to buy used textbooks. Used textbooks save a lot of money for students!

Make Textbooks More Affordable - Student PIRGs Campaign Site

Friday, February 14, 2014

Picture of the Week - February 14th 2014

Nice day overlooking the river

This weeks picture was taken from the Mission st bridge while biking to SCC. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Green Tip of the Week

Look for these bins and recycle!
This weeks tip is to make sure to recycle! Most buildings on campus have recycling bins and for those buildings that don't have any or don't have enough your ASG is currently working to roughly double to number of recycling bins on campus here at SCC. Look for the big blue bins or small red ones!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Bigfoot Sustainability Committee Feb 10th Meeting Agenda
Here is the agenda for next week's meeting. The agenda as the time and location. Hope to see you all there!

Picture of the Week - February 5th, 2014

"Snow Sasquatch!"
Skitch had a bit of fun playing in the snow after the awesome Cami Bradley concert!

Green Tip of the Week

My water bottle and "mug" for tea
This week's Green Tip of the Week is to use reusable water bottles and coffee/tea mugs instead of disposable ones. Disposable water bottles are bad for the environment and have less safe guards for public health than water from the tap. So go green and use reusable water bottles!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Bigfoot Sustainability Meeting Minutes - February 3rd 2014
Meeting minutes - click to view the full minutes
Here is the draft of the meeting minutes from February 3rd 2014 for the Bigfoot Sustainability Committee. The final version will be posted after the next meeting.