Friday, January 31, 2014

Announcing the voting members of the Bigfoot Sustainability Committee!

I'm happy to announce the voting members of the Bigfoot Sustainability Committee! This committee was created by your Associated Student Government to increase the representation of the campus community in our ongoing effort to promote sustainability projects here at SCC.

The committee is open to all who want to attend and take part. We greatly encourage anyone who is interested to come to our first meeting on Monday February 3rd at 2:30pm in the ASG Conference Room. More information on this meeting can be found here.

The break down of the committee can be seen below.

The committee is made up of seven voting members. Four of these are students and three are faculty/staff. All positions except for the chair are volunteer positions.

Chair: The ASG Director of Sustainability will be filling this position. Currently Daron Williams is serving as as the Director of Sustainability. Daron has a BA in Political Science from UW and an AAS in Water Resource Technologies from SCC. He will be transfering to Evergreen State College to start persue a masters degree in Environmental Studies in the fall.

Student Member: Wendy will be filling one of the seats on the committee. She is currently persuing a Florist AAS, Greenhouse/Nursery AAS and a Landscape Certification from the SCC Environmental Science Department.

Student Member: William is filling another of the seats on the committee. He is a veteran and is currently persuing a Greenhouse/Nursery AAS degree from the SCC Environmental Science Department.

Student Member: The final student member is Renee. She is currently persuing a Greenhouse/Nursery AAS degree from the SCC Environmental Science Department.

Faculty/Staff Member: Tracy Morgan will be filling one of the faculty/staff positions. She teaches geography here at SCC. Tracy has been teaching students to be global citizens through her classes and will bring a great perspective to our committee.

Faculty/Staff Member: David Cole will also be on the committee filling one of the faculty/staff positions. David teaches environmetnal biology and evolution/ecology at SCC. These classes include sustainability as part of the curriculum.

Faculty/Staff Member: Kris Krewson is the final member of the committee filling a faculty/staff position. Kris is a former ASG President and is currently serving the campus community as the SCC VetCorps Resource Navigtor. Kris and the other veterans here at SCC have been actively involved in promoting sustainability and specifically the new student garden.

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