Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Student Garden Needs Your Help - Medium sized logs and branches

During the fall quarter I asked you all for leaves to add to the student garden. The response was great and you can see the results here! Now I need all of your help again. The garden beds are in and the leaf mulch is down. The next step is to put a layer of medium size branches/logs in the bottom of each of the bed. These branches/logs will provide organic material for the beds and act as water sinks for the plants during the summer. Combined with our underground watering system our beds should be very water efficient!

If you have any spare medium size branches/logs please email me so we can arrange a way to get them to the garden. Here is a picture of what I’m thinking:

Picture copyright Dog Island Farm

There are nine beds in the garden each about 8ft long so please try to keep the branches/logs shorter than that and no more than about 4 to 5 inches in diameter. The idea is to put about a 6 inches to a foot of branches/logs in the bottom of each garden bed and then the soil on top of that.
We are having our next garden work day event on March 21st (Dead Day) so we need the branches/logs on or before that day; Ideally before the 21st.
Thank you all again for your support of the student garden!

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