Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Green Tip of the Week

Lets all start to grow our own veggies!
This week's Green Tip of the Week was written by Andrew. Andrew is one of the current student leaders working to promote sustainability at SCC! Andrew has been focusing on the garden and is doing some awesome work. Check out his tip below:

HGTV lists 10 rules for growing Veggies and having a garden. I think they're good tips for any starting grower. 
1.) Start small and don't overwhelm yourself. 
2.) Full Sun - Most veggies will require 6 hours of direct sun a day. Lettuce and Radish can go less. 
3.) Soil quality is crucial  - liberally add organic matter such as finished compost, bagged humus and straw and make sure your soil is well-draining
4.) Soil Temperature - This is as crucial as air temperature so time your outdoor planting. Most seeds won't germinate when the soil is below 39 degrees.
5.) Layering with mulch - Keeping a layer of organic mulch over the top of the soil will help conserve moisture and suppress weeds. 
6.) Pests - Keep in mind other animals that live around you and plan ahead on ways to keep critters out of your garden. 
7.) Mingle your plants - Use a variety of plants to share the space to serve as companion plants to help ward off bugs.
8.) Harvest - Pick produce when its ready to ensure the plants energy is being used to produce a greater harvest. 
9.) Location - Placing the garden in a common area where you frequent will cause you to be observe bad bugs and tend your garden with less effort. 
10.) Late Frost - Be prepared to provide protection to tender plants some sort of cover overnight that will insulate the fragile seedlings. 
These are some great tips I think any and all gardeners can use!!! 

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